This answer contains spoilersThis answer concerns the entire book series and not just Volume 1.You mean sexually? Hardly at all.

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I'd say 12+ - though I'd probably let my youngerThis answer concerns the entire book series and not just Volume 1.You mean sexually? Hardly at all. I'd say 12+ - though I'd probably let my younger kids read it if they were interested.

There is hand-holding, a few kisses and hugs, and two couples who are shown in bed in a way that makes it clear they're sexually active, but the act is never shown, and there's no nudity. It's also made very clear that they're in love, if that makes a difference. One female character dresses fairly provocatively at first, but less so as time goes on. Some of the boys are shown without shirts a few times.Violence-wise, it is fairly explicit. It's not gory, but there is definite child and adult abuse - verbal, emotional and physical. A few characters get slapped and punched.

One gets thrown out a window and another gets stabbed. (They both survive.) One has their face scratched badly enough to lose the sight in one eye. One falls off a cliff.

And there are flashbacks of Tohru's parents' deaths - one from pneumonia, the other in a car accident - which are quite wrenching and maybe unsuitable for younger readers, as well as flashbacks to the deaths of a few other characters' parents.Other stuff: some mild swearing, mild references to implied sexual acts, mild nudity (no nipples or genitals shown), onscreen mental illness (depression / grief), bullying (verbal), physical fights between characters. Fruits Basket is probably my very favorite manga that I have read to date. Now, I wholeheartedly admit that the premise is weird and unlikely, but, hey, it's fantasy.

Anyway, if you can get past the initial outlandishness, you discover a story full of heart and darkness. This is my fourth or fifth time through the series, and I just love it more every time.Having read through a few reviews on Goodreads, I know that this series, and the character of Tohru especially, gets a lot of flak for being Fruits Basket is probably my very favorite manga that I have read to date.

Now, I wholeheartedly admit that the premise is weird and unlikely, but, hey, it's fantasy. Anyway, if you can get past the initial outlandishness, you discover a story full of heart and darkness. This is my fourth or fifth time through the series, and I just love it more every time.Having read through a few reviews on Goodreads, I know that this series, and the character of Tohru especially, gets a lot of flak for being too cutesy. It seems that some people did not buy Tohru's consistently positive attitude or her naivete. For me, it worked. Tohru has her painful past, and she does occasionally struggle to put forward that happy face.

In fact, I think that she's an incredibly strong character, because she tries so hard and does her best to be happy no matter what life throws her way.Also criticized is the zodiac curse. Yes, it's crazy and not likely. The least popular aspect seems to be the fact that one of the side effects of the curse is that hugging a member of the opposite sex will turn them into their animal. It sounds so arbitrary and like it was solely introduced for hijinks and humor. Actually, I think that there's more to it. This part of the curse is what really separates the Sohma's from other people.

They are drawn more into the family and unable to mingle in society for fear of discovery. Their curse is being stuck together.What really makes me love this story so much though is the way that it grows and changes. In most series, there isn't too much of a marking of time, but in Fruits Basket, the characters change a lot in both personality and appearance. I love that you can literally see the characters growing up from children to adults.

Additionally, I really appreciate the level of depth in pretty much all of the rather extensive set of main characters. Each one gets at least one chapter focusing on their own issues.If you don't believe me about the depth of the story, here's a quote, which pretty much perfectly sums up being young: 'It's good to be young, without experience in how to live, struggling desperately as if you were going to drown, even though you could float if you just drew on your own strength.' I just love that.

TranslationFree Download Komik Fruit Basket Bahasa Indonesia Translation

Above and beyond the fantasy plot, this is really just a touching story of a lot of broken people coming together and trying to find the courage to believe in themselves and to really love.Not only that, but the art is gorgeous. It takes a couple of volumes for Takaya to get into the swing of things, but after that I occasionally find myself pausing and just staring at a particular frame to admire the beauty therein.

Of course, manga art gets criticized a lot for being ridiculous, so if you don't like it, then you won't like the art here either, since it's got the standards (like big eyes versus narrow ones to indicate degrees of masculinity/femininity).Do not be fooled by the pretty shoujo artwork and cutesy opening chapters, though. Fruits Basket is very dark and tackled a lot of painful issues, such as parental abuse. However, it does so with heart and hope. This will always be one of my very favorite works of literature. This really was an adorable book! I hadn't read manga before this one, and I only picked this up based on some of my friends' reviews with no expectations. But it really didn't disappoint!

I fell in love with the characters and the story from the beginning.-There's Tohru, who is very cute, but also awkward with a lot of things, and that resulted into some very hilarious moments. And if there are guys like Kyo and Yuki, I don't need anything else!-There's a secret of Sohma family, in which the This really was an adorable book! I hadn't read manga before this one, and I only picked this up based on some of my friends' reviews with no expectations.

But it really didn't disappoint! I fell in love with the characters and the story from the beginning.-There's Tohru, who is very cute, but also awkward with a lot of things, and that resulted into some very hilarious moments. And if there are guys like Kyo and Yuki, I don't need anything else!-There's a secret of Sohma family, in which the members have a curse of turning into an animal of one of the animals of zodiac. Which was really interesting and funny at times. The graphics were just too cute!

1.5 StarsThis was a boring, hot mess. I never read this as a kid and I definitely haven't watched the anime, but I heard that this was really good from a lot of people.

I'm so let down.None of the characters were named or fleshed out, the plot is nonexistent, there's absolutely no emotion to this, and the scenes skip around so much that I could never tell where we were or what was happening. It genuinely felt like I'd just skipped to the fifth book of a series because I had no idea what was supp 1.5 StarsThis was a boring, hot mess.

I never read this as a kid and I definitely haven't watched the anime, but I heard that this was really good from a lot of people. I'm so let down.None of the characters were named or fleshed out, the plot is nonexistent, there's absolutely no emotion to this, and the scenes skip around so much that I could never tell where we were or what was happening. It genuinely felt like I'd just skipped to the fifth book of a series because I had no idea what was supposed to be happening.I almost DNF'ed this, and finishing it just secured its status as something that totally isn't my taste. I'll definitely be trying more manga from the library in the future until I figure out what my taste is in the genre, because this is only the third one i've read. While I enjoyed this book, and the artwork was adorable there was something that I just didn't like.

The entire plot seem very messy and half of the time I had trouble understanding what was actually meant to be going on. There was no character development and the scenes jumped around continuously, so it was difficult to figure out where the story was going.I actually felt like I jumped into the middle of a series,it was THAT confusing. There was no excitement, no action and really it ended up b While I enjoyed this book, and the artwork was adorable there was something that I just didn't like. The entire plot seem very messy and half of the time I had trouble understanding what was actually meant to be going on. There was no character development and the scenes jumped around continuously, so it was difficult to figure out where the story was going.I actually felt like I jumped into the middle of a series,it was THAT confusing.

There was no excitement, no action and really it ended up being a pretty dull experience for me, which is a shame as I was really looking forward to reading this due to a lot of positive reviews. But now, if I'm honest, I don't think I'm going to bother continuing with this series as there is a lot more manga out there to be discovered! šŸ™ This volume is Tohru! šŸ™Living in a tent after the passing of her mother, Tohru Honda soldiers through her adversities with a smile on her face. After a classmate of hers, Yuki Sohma, discovers that Tohru is living in a tent, he offers to let her lodge at his house with his slightly perveted uncle Shigure and cranky cousin Kyo.

It is not long until Tohru discovers that the Sohma family have a secret, that they are cursed by the zodiac, and transform into one of the zodiac animals when intimatel šŸ™ This volume is Tohru! šŸ™Living in a tent after the passing of her mother, Tohru Honda soldiers through her adversities with a smile on her face. After a classmate of hers, Yuki Sohma, discovers that Tohru is living in a tent, he offers to let her lodge at his house with his slightly perveted uncle Shigure and cranky cousin Kyo. It is not long until Tohru discovers that the Sohma family have a secret, that they are cursed by the zodiac, and transform into one of the zodiac animals when intimately touched by someone of the opposite sex.

Tohru is granted permission by the head of the Sohma family to not have her memory erased, and so Tohru begins what would seem to be a crazy life, but one that she percieves as beautiful.As I of course would, I loved beginning my third re-read of this series. Being introduced to one of my favourite trios again was so wonderful, and as always, this volume brought me so much joy. Whilst none of the darker content is explored during this volume, we start to already glimpse the effect Tohru's optimistic and happy personality is having on the issolated Yuki and Kyo. Going back to the beginning of this story was as fun as my first time reading this as a thirteen year old. I recommend this story to everyone, even people who harbour no interest in manga. It is such a beautiful story about acceptance, trauma, isolation and love. Tohru still plays a huge part in who I am today, as I learnt so many lessons from her about kindness, and how showing kindness can have a profoundly positive impact on other people.

I can't wait to continue on with my third re-read!šŸ­ Next volume is Yuki! I don't know what to do with this rating. One of my 2018 Reading Challenges included 'A Graphic Novel.' I've never actually read a graphic novel before so I have absolutely no basis for comparison. This was.different? Interesting in bizarre ways?I'm not throwing in the towel yet, but I spent the first quarter of the book just trying to figure out how to read the dern thing. I finally got the hang of it, and it was a pretty quick read from that point forward.

The plot is fluff, and the I don't know what to do with this rating. One of my 2018 Reading Challenges included 'A Graphic Novel.' I've never actually read a graphic novel before so I have absolutely no basis for comparison. This was.different? Interesting in bizarre ways?I'm not throwing in the towel yet, but I spent the first quarter of the book just trying to figure out how to read the dern thing.

I finally got the hang of it, and it was a pretty quick read from that point forward. The plot is fluff, and the dialogue hokey, but I think that's the charm of Manga. I'm certainly not an expert, so I think I need to research this more thoroughly.with more books.

Since this series comes highly recommended by an awesome friend, I'm going to keep going with it for now!Any other graphic novel recommendations? I'm interested in checking out this genre a bit more, actually.For now, I'm giving it a two star rating, but that's probably more to do with my confusion and figuring-it-out-as-I-go more than the book.I'd rate this a PG. I am redoing this review!I wrote a review for this long, long ago, but I really want to redo it, mostly because. I'm trying to read the whole series again.It's just that I watched the whole series of the ANIME, and1.

They don't show all of the characters.2. Anime is WAY WAY SHORTER than the manga.3. I just WANT TO KNOW WHAT COMES NEXT!I forgot most of the story. I only know up to the point where the anime stopped, but I just want to know MORE.

Besides, the first time r ALRIGHT! I am redoing this review!I wrote a review for this long, long ago, but I really want to redo it, mostly because. I'm trying to read the whole series again.It's just that I watched the whole series of the ANIME, and1. They don't show all of the characters.2. Anime is WAY WAY SHORTER than the manga.3. I just WANT TO KNOW WHAT COMES NEXT!I forgot most of the story.

I only know up to the point where the anime stopped, but I just want to know MORE. Besides, the first time reading the whole series, I didn't exactly understand most of it, but I REALLY WANT TO.So here is my mission. To spend this summer rereading all of Fruits Basket! (Mwah ha ha!)Besides, once school starts again, I won't be able to finish all of it!Alright, so Fruits Basket is a very famous shoujo manga that is known by many manga fanatics/crazies ALL AROUND THE WORLD.It seems girly at first. There are lots of boys in this story, the story revolves around a girl, and when the girl hugs one of the boys, they turn into a super cute animal.THAT IS SUPPOSEDLY CUTE.HOWEVER. There is more meaning behind it.Let's just explain volume one.TOHRU.

Is a very adorable, likable creature who I FIND very huggable. COMPLETELY SELFLESS, always worrying about other people rather than herself. Do you find many girls like that in the world?Her mom died in an accident. Her dad already died. She wants to move into a tent so that she wouldn't have to burden anyone, and she can still smile and be happy and thankful for all kinds of things. And the rest of the characters are sitting by either calling her a fool or being amazed at how she can be SO STRONG and happy, even when she's gone through so many horrible things.Okay.So pretend you were holding some super delicious ice cream.

SUPER SUPER SUPER DELICIOUS ICE CREAM. It just looks so, so, so delicious. IMAGINE.It has the right amount of sprinkles. Some chocolate syrup (unless you're allergic to chocolate syrup! Then it's.

Anything SUPER DELICIOUS TO YOU).And you're just about to take a bite of that ice cream and thenSPLAT.It falls on the floor.And you're standing there. And you're probably thinkingWHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHH?!?!?!You probably start attacking people.Or screaming until your guts burn out.But Tohru can just look at the ice cream and go, 'Ahhhh! I'm such a klutz, why did I do that?' Then a second later, she'll shrug her shoulders and say, 'Oh well.

It's my own fault I dropped that ice cream. Well, I don't have any more money to spend on ice cream. I hope someone doesn't. Slip on my spilt ice cream.' She's just strong and selfless, and people can learn something from this girl, even though she doens't seem like much.I remember long ago, I used to have the tiniest crush on Yuki.

(I had a bigger crush on Kyou, but. Anyway.)I loved the story about how Tohru got herself lost, and a boy saw her and led her back home. That part got cut out of the anime for some reason, but I liked that story.THE MAIN POINT IS: This story just teaches lots of emotional lessons.

Even in the first volume, you learn a thing or two.Most of my friends are guys and they don't really like Fruits Basket because they assume it's a girly girly manga, but it makes me want to slap a hand across their faces because THEY CAN LEARN A THING OR TWO FROM THIS BOOK!!!It touches your soul, okay?Put your hand on your heart and close your eyes, okay? Feel that?Now open your eyes and read through Vol. 1 and then put your hand back on your heart and close your eyes again.Feel that now?That's Fruits Basket. TOUCHING YOUR HEART.AUGUST 22, 2011 (My old review. That only took like 30 seconds to write because I was super lazy back then.)I've read the entire series of Fruits Basket from Volume 1 to Volume 23, so I'll review the series in Volume One-just in case any of you are curious about what Fruits Basket is like.Fruits Basket is ranked as one of my favorite shoujo mangas that I've ever read! It's amazingly amazing!The story begins with a young, high school girl named Tohru Honda who lives in a tent in the woods because of the passing of her mother and her grandfather's house renovation. She is discovered by one of her classmates, Yuki Sohma.

The Sohmas that live in the house not too far away from Tohru's tent invite Tohru to stay in their household. Though while living in their household, Tohru learns about the Sohma family's biggest secret: 13 members of the Sohma family are possessed by the animals of the Zodiac.It's an adorable manga that teaches very important life lessons. I'm very addicted to this manga-so if you're in search for a story with a well built theme and a kind of story that leaves you pondering even after you close the book, I recommend Fruits Basket. I know I am writing this as the minority point of view, but I hated Fruits Basket. At first, I found it mildly dull, but as the story failed to progress interestingly, I found myself grinding my teethe waiting for the plot to pick up. It's about a cloyingly sweet, kind, selfless, gentle, beautiful high school girl named Tohru Honda.

She lives in a tent in the woods (really, Takaya?) because her grandfather can't keep her and her mother died. Sweet, innocent Tohru is wrought with guilt because sh I know I am writing this as the minority point of view, but I hated Fruits Basket. At first, I found it mildly dull, but as the story failed to progress interestingly, I found myself grinding my teethe waiting for the plot to pick up. It's about a cloyingly sweet, kind, selfless, gentle, beautiful high school girl named Tohru Honda. She lives in a tent in the woods (really, Takaya?) because her grandfather can't keep her and her mother died.

Sweet, innocent Tohru is wrought with guilt because she's sure it's her fault her mother died, becauseā€”are you ready for this?ā€”she forgot to tell her to keep safe. 'I always told her to be safe in the morning,' sobs Tohru, 'but one day I slept late because I was up all night studying for exams and I didn't get to, and that was the day she died. It's all my fault!' Most people should be able to see why I dislike the series already. It gets even worse.

She somehow moves in with her glamorous, sexy classmate, 'Prince' Yuki Sohma, and his glamorous, sexy brother, both of whom fall head-over-heels for her. Enter Kyo Sohma!

A martial artist who spent his life training in the mountains, Yuki fells him with one house-shattering blow. He then apologizes to Tohru, who somehow got a small cut in the fight, and she says it's okay and hugs him. He then turns into a cat. Apparently, all of the Sohmas are cursed with the signs of the zodiac, meaning they turn into their animal when hugged by a member of the opposite sex. Yuki is the rat, and his brother, Shigure, is the dog. Slowly, though he is agressive at first, Kyo falls in love with Tohru (he does this by the end of the second book). Tohru also has two friends, a Yankee gang member and a psychic freak who can.bleeeeep.

all the mean popular girls with her electro-waves. They approve of Tohru living with the Sohmas. Tohru spends her days volunteering at a hospital (or something) because she's so kind and selfless, and she cooks and cleans for the Sohmas. She's also beautiful, so the jealous girls in her class pick on her.I recommend this to fans of Twilight.This review only covers volume 1.I really enjoyed the setup and introduction to this series.

I think it seems like a nice contemporary type story with some darker themes like being abandoned by your family and things like that. This first volume talks about how Tohru lives on her own because of her uncle's family and how they treat her. She meets the Sohma family and they decide to let her stay with them because of her situation.Although Tohru seems like someone who is perfect and always smili.This review only covers volume 1.I really enjoyed the setup and introduction to this series. I think it seems like a nice contemporary type story with some darker themes like being abandoned by your family and things like that. This first volume talks about how Tohru lives on her own because of her uncle's family and how they treat her.

She meets the Sohma family and they decide to let her stay with them because of her situation.Although Tohru seems like someone who is perfect and always smiling, she talks about a time when she felt alone like she didn't fit in. She had her mother to support her for a while and when her parents died things got harder for her because she doesn't fit in with her uncle's family either. Despite portraying an innocent person on the outside, she struggles with these feelings but tries to maintain a positive attitude. I feel like we will read and learn more about her past which will help us get a better understanding of her and why she does things the way that she does.The other characters were really cool as well. There's Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure who Tohru lives with and each of them have their own traits. Kyo is a moody guy with anger issues, Yuki is the kind and soft-spoken one, and Shigure is the creepy pervert. I know it's meant to be funny because manga tends to do quirky shit like this all of the time, but I think he's a bit creepy.

Yes, he's funny but one to keep an eye on.Overall, this was a pretty solid volume and I look forward to continuing the series. SpoilersThis is the second manga I've read, the first being Deathnote. I didn't enjoy this quite as much as Deathnote but it was still pretty brilliant.I found the premise a little odd but not in a bad way.

The heroine, Tohru, lives in a tent (her mum died and her granddad sort of threw her out) She doesn't want to be a burden on anyone so she works hard supporting herself and keeps all her misery to herself. Yes, she's a huge Mary Sue.

Anyway, Tohru finds out that her tent is on Sohma grounds SpoilersThis is the second manga I've read, the first being Deathnote. I didn't enjoy this quite as much as Deathnote but it was still pretty brilliant.I found the premise a little odd but not in a bad way. The heroine, Tohru, lives in a tent (her mum died and her granddad sort of threw her out) She doesn't want to be a burden on anyone so she works hard supporting herself and keeps all her misery to herself.

Yes, she's a huge Mary Sue. Anyway, Tohru finds out that her tent is on Sohma grounds The Sohma's are of course a bunch of hot, mysterious, attractive guys that live together and share a not so sexy secret And guess what? They just so happen to need someone to cook and clean for them Yay!

So Tohru ends up staying with them in exchange for housework. Yes, it's a sexist as it sounds. Anyway, Tohru finds out the Sohma secret ā€” they're all possessed by the twelve zodiacs and if they're ever hugged by the opposite sex they turn into their zodiac animal.

It was rather funny seeing the guys turn into cats and rats whenever Tohru touched them.Even though Tohru and the Sohma guys (Kyo and Yuki) were stereotypes, I still loved their characters. I hate Mary Sue's but for some reason Tohru with her optimism and perfect attitude didn't annoy me. I'm guessing by the time I've finished the 20 something volume series, I'll hate her with a passion.Tohru's potential love interests were also likeable even though they were cliched - Kyo was the dark, moody, tortured one and Yuki was the charming, friendly one with hidden depths. I loved Kyo and Tohru's interactions ā€” they were really cute.Fruits Basket was a funny, light and entertaining read - I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to dip their toes in manga. The artwork was good, the characters were decent and the plot was fun and unique.I did find the dialogue a bit dodgy at times ā€” it didn't flow very well Maybe that was due to the translation?I also noticed that some of the illustrations didn't make sense ā€” they felt random at times and I didn't understand what was going on.One thing I found absolutely hilarious was Tohru claiming that a girl's biggest dream was to marry.

Just the way it was delivered in such a sincere way made it almost seem satirical ā€” it was probably my favourite part.Also, I loved the rivalry between Kyo and Yuki.I'll definitely be reading the next volume when I get a chance. I know it's an exaggeration to say that something has changed my life, particularly if itā€™s a story from a book or TV series or movie. Or at least, it has changed me; in shaping my deeply-held beliefs.' Fruits Basket' was like that for me, however. When I started reading manga and watching anime online at the age of sixteen, I didn't start with Furuba for some reason. But when I did, I was hooked.

I was blown away. Now I know what it means to have feelings of the darkest depths of human nature, b I know it's an exaggeration to say that something has changed my life, particularly if itā€™s a story from a book or TV series or movie. Or at least, it has changed me; in shaping my deeply-held beliefs.' Fruits Basket' was like that for me, however. When I started reading manga and watching anime online at the age of sixteen, I didn't start with Furuba for some reason. But when I did, I was hooked. I was blown away.

Now I know what it means to have feelings of the darkest depths of human nature, but to also wield the hope we all possess deep inside us. I now understand what it means to deal with these messed-up feelings, to remain good for others, and to stay true to yourself and your life-affirmed values.' I started reading manga a couple of years back and this series was on my radar since then.

I decided to pick this up on a whim, on a slow day, when I couldnā€™t decide what to read. On the same day, I picked up 3 books from different genres to figure out the kind of book I was craving. I didnā€™t even know I was even in the mood for a manga, but it was perfect!The start was a bit weird. It didnā€™t exactly match the blurb and I was pretty confused by it.

Iā€™m glad I continued reading though. This book I started reading manga a couple of years back and this series was on my radar since then.

I decided to pick this up on a whim, on a slow day, when I couldnā€™t decide what to read. On the same day, I picked up 3 books from different genres to figure out the kind of book I was craving. I didnā€™t even know I was even in the mood for a manga, but it was perfect!The start was a bit weird. It didnā€™t exactly match the blurb and I was pretty confused by it. Iā€™m glad I continued reading though. This book was so cute!

The plot seemed intriguing when I first read the blurb. The main character, Tohru, is an orphan studying in high school.

One day, on her way to school, she meets Shigure Sohma and becomes friendly with him. She also meets his cousins, Yuki and Kyo Sohma and they eventually become friends too.

She also moves into their home after a while. When she finds out the Sohma family secret, she assures them and promises to never speak about it to anyone.The artwork was adorable and the introduction of the main characters and their big secret was done very well. The read was fast-paced and I couldnā€™t even put it down. I read the entire volume in one sitting. The character development was also very good.

The introductory scenes of the main characters and their progression through the volume was quite interesting. I did not expect this to happen in a cutesy Shoujo manga. I couldnā€™t pick a favorite character in this volume, I liked them all equally.I couldnā€™t wait to get into the next volume so I picked it up and finished it too. Gosh, Iā€™m loving these books so much!

ā€œJust be yourself and you'll be fineā€Such a refreshing adorable book! As i said before this is my first manga read experience and it was So much Fun, and I only picked this up because i don't have so time to read (am working on my magister thesis) so I've been looking for something light,then i came across the first dubbed episode of this baby and you know what it was HILARIOUS.ā€œMy Darlin'My SHIRT!ā€From the first moment I fell in love with the design,characters and the story.So let's star ā€œJust be yourself and you'll be fineā€Such a refreshing adorable book!.Review for the entire series.This is the first manga series I ever read. I spotted the first book randomly in a small bookshop on Balboa Island, a charming little place that I can never get enough of.Something about the book drew me to it, but I can't exactly say what. Looking at the book description now, you probably think it's a little ridiculous. When they're hugged by the opposite gender they turn into ANIMALS???I know, I know. But believe me when I tell you this entire series (yes.Review for the entire series.This is the first manga series I ever read. I spotted the first book randomly in a small bookshop on Balboa Island, a charming little place that I can never get enough of.Something about the book drew me to it, but I can't exactly say what.

Looking at the book description now, you probably think it's a little ridiculous. When they're hugged by the opposite gender they turn into ANIMALS???I know, I know. But believe me when I tell you this entire series (yes, I now own all 23 of them) is amazing. It's mysterious and dark at one point, and crazy funny at others. It's heartfelt and thought-provoking. It makes you feel all range of emotions, more emotions than there are characters (in other words, a lot). Even now I still find myself going to my bookcase and pulling one of them from the shelves, flipping through it because I want to relive the moments I wish had never ended.It may seem silly to you.

It may seem like there are way too many books in the series for you to ever finish it. It may seem like you wouldn't ever understand the backwards to forwards way of reading manga books. But just trust me when I say it's worth it. I have fallen in love with these books, I have come to know the characters as my friends, and I will always and forever be a Fruits Basket Fan.

The F Twins gave this one 5 stars!My little sister gave it 5 stars too!Noran dropped another 5 star on it also!Why I donā€™t like it then!!!? This donā€™t make sense!!! It even has cats! Well one cat! And some of the characters remind me of goodreaders! Like Tohru at the beginning living in her tent in the woods! Thatā€™s totally K.I.

She is all sad because she lives in the woods! Then there are the side ā€œrandom blah blah blahā€ that sounds just like Sam ā€œBlack Velvetā€. I swear! And The F Twins gave this one 5 stars!My little sister gave it 5 stars too!Noran dropped another 5 star on it also!Why I donā€™t like it then!!!? This donā€™t make sense!!! It even has cats! Well one cat!

And some of the characters remind me of goodreaders! Like Tohru at the beginning living in her tent in the woods! Thatā€™s totally K.I. She is all sad because she lives in the woods! Then there are the side ā€œrandom blah blah blahā€ that sounds just like Sam ā€œBlack Velvetā€. I swear!

And then there is is the little psycho girl that response with violence to everything! Thatā€™s totally Karen! And yet I donā€™t like it! This makes no sense!!! Mariel says the first manga is not that good and that I shouldnā€™t judge the whole thing on it so Iā€™ma give the rest of the series a try! I hope it gets better! One of my friends introduced me to the world of manga, and this story in particular.

(And I'm so thankful that I cannot express it in words, only sounds that would more than likely scare people.)If you're even wondering about this, I suggest you let your mind wonder and wander until you finally give in. If this doesn't change your life, I'll judge you harshly. Ha.(No, but really.)I'm rereading this series for the third time, and I love it just as much as the first. As far as mangas go (and sto One of my friends introduced me to the world of manga, and this story in particular. (And I'm so thankful that I cannot express it in words, only sounds that would more than likely scare people.)If you're even wondering about this, I suggest you let your mind wonder and wander until you finally give in.

If this doesn't change your life, I'll judge you harshly. Ha.(No, but really.)I'm rereading this series for the third time, and I love it just as much as the first. As far as mangas go (and stories in general), this one just does it for me. I never feel as much while reading as I do with these! It hits all the right places in me, one of the hardest to get to (for me personally) is angst, but it's done with such grace and heart in this entire series! It makes me cry and laugh and I honestly feel better while/after reading these.

They're uplifting in ways you wouldn't expect.I seriously do not love any manga more than I love this one (have I mentioned love yet?). It's written beautifully, with characters so different from one another; each bringing something new to the table. While they have things in common, personality wise, anyone could find themselves in one, two, or even all of them. It's a great thing, being able to find characters that are strong enough to lead you through their stories.I don't know how long I'll come back to read these, but I know the fact that I do won't be ending any time soon.And if my sloppy review still has left you not knowing whether you want to give it a try or not, I think you're interested for a reason, and I doubt you'd be disappointed.

I highly, highly, doubt it.Cheers! Update: Here's my full review!This was so freaking cute! I absolutely loved how the Chinese Zodiac has been incorporated into the main storyline. It was a light read and easy to get through. I think what was most interesting was the manner in which the Sohma boys all have different personalities based on their Zodiac affiliation. Tohru is amazingly cute. She's just a bundle of sweetness and I think she's going to end up being a really good fit for the fam Update: Here's my full review!This was so freaking cute!

I absolutely loved how the Chinese Zodiac has been incorporated into the main storyline. It was a light read and easy to get through. I think what was most interesting was the manner in which the Sohma boys all have different personalities based on their Zodiac affiliation. Tohru is amazingly cute.

She's just a bundle of sweetness and I think she's going to end up being a really good fit for the family. I cannot wait to pick up volume 2 which is already on reserve at the library. Natsuki Takaya (高屋 å„ˆęœˆ Takaya Natsuki, real name Naka Hatake) is the penname of a Japanese manga artist best-known for creating the series Fruits Basket. She was born on July 7, 1973; (Tanabata).

Takaya is left-handed and once revealed that she wanted to be a mangaka since first grade, when her sister started drawing.She was born in Shizuoka, Japan, but was raised in Tokyo, where she made her debu Natsuki Takaya (高屋 å„ˆęœˆ Takaya Natsuki, real name Naka Hatake) is the penname of a Japanese manga artist best-known for creating the series Fruits Basket. She was born on July 7, 1973; (Tanabata). Takaya is left-handed and once revealed that she wanted to be a mangaka since first grade, when her sister started drawing.She was born in Shizuoka, Japan, but was raised in Tokyo, where she made her debut in 1992. She enjoys video games such as the Final Fantasy series or Sakura Wars, or working on her different manga series, such as Fruits Basket, which is the second best-selling shōjo manga ever in Japan, and the top selling shōjo manga in North America.

Fruits Basket has also been adapted into a twenty-six-episode anime series.In 2001, Takaya received a Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo manga for Fruits Basket.According to Takaya (in a sidebar of a Fruits Basket manga volume), she enjoys drawing girls (girly ones) more than she does boys. Takaya also enjoys electronics and music, but dislikes talking about herself. Also revealed in a sidebar of Fruits Basket, Takaya broke her drawing arm (left) after Fruits Basket volume six was published. She had to go into surgery, and as a result, had put Fruits Basket on a brief hiatus. Takaya made a full recovery, but complains that her handwriting had gotten uglier, due to the surgery. During her hospital stay, she gained an interest in baseball.

ā€œShigure: 'Lemme guess; you lost your temper and yelled at her again, right? You know, you shouldn't do that if you're just going to regret it. Not too bright, now is it?'

Kyo: 'Save your breath. I'm just not meant to get along with other people. End of story.' Shigure: 'Oh sure, some people just aren't. But you're not one of them. You lack experience, that's all. For example, I'm sure you could smash this table to bits with your bare hands.

But I'm equally sure you could punch the table without breaking it. And why is that?

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Because I know your training has taught you to control your fists. At least I should hope so, after four months of fighting bears and-'Kyo: 'I didn't fight bears!' Shigure: 'My point is, it takes just as much training to get along with people. Only, training by yourself in the mountains won't do you any good. Pocket tanks deluxe free download all weaā€¦. You need to surround yourself with others.

As you get to know them, of course you take the chance that you'll end up hurting them, or they'll end up hurting you. One of those things might very well happen. That's the only way we learn. About others, and about ourselves. You're a black-belt in martial arts, but I'd guess you still a white-belt in social skills.

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Someday, you're going to meet someone that truly wants to be your friend, and you, theirs. But it if you don't keep training, you won't be ready when that happens.' Kyo: 'It'll never happen, anyways!' Shigure: 'Uh-uh! Never say never.' Kyo: 'Ok, fine. Maybe if I meet someone with brain-damage.

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Or something.' Shigure: 'That's the spirit!ā€ā€”.