1. Using For Loops In Matlab

Hi GuysI received my BITalino device this week and everything works fine using the Open Signals software and bluetooth.But for my project I need to be able to communicate with it in realtime in parallel with other measurements and controls of other devices. The communication of these other devices were implemented in Simulink.So I am looking into the serial communication. I am on a win8.1 laptop and I can see the COM Port (COM5). I can open it via Matlab (serial with baudrate 115200), but I do not seem to be able to send anything.

Every write ends up in time out.I read the code in the python and the c sources, but I do not see anything.So can someone point to me what I am missing?Thanksjollo. Hi Jollo,Have you double checked to make sure that what you're trying to send is compliant with the command set of BITalino?The baud rate is the right one, but your serial port settings may be configured to use flow control by default. Try to use no flow control.Another useful test to try and sort out the problem is to try to send the commands using Hyperterminal or another direct serial access software.If you continue to experience any issues just let us know and we'll try to help to the best of our abilities.Best regards,The BITalino Team. Hi there,Sorry to hear that you've been forced to give up on the Bluetooth connectivity optionAny standard UART to USB adapter will work with your BITalino (e.g. Bear in mind that you should snap off the Bluetooth module and also the PWR block (given that these interfaces usually also provide power to your system).You can see a short tutorial on how to connect it here:While using a UART to USB adapter, if you have a sensor such as the ECG / EMG / EDA connected to you, the signal quality may be degraded.Also, in the unlikely event of a high-voltage power surge (e.g. Due to a lightning strike) capable of blasting through the protections on your electrical box, power outlet, or computer, it may lead to injury.As such, for improved signal quality and also for safety reasons, we recommend that you use a USB isolator together with your UART to USB adapter:Best regards,The BITalino Team.

Setting up Bluetooth HC-05 with Arduino. In a real application you might want to use the HW serial port itself to connect the Bluetooth module, if you need hardware interrupts. It simply connects the computer terminal and the HC-05 in a loop. The codes sends the messages from the terminal to the Bluetooth Module and messages from.

Hello guys,I have to send some data from Matlab to arduino uno via bluetooth. Interfacing isn't problem.I have to send some numbers from matlab to arduino for example (123), then send same numbers back to matlab. That's not problem, but then my arduino should send me some string for example('end') and after that I should be able send another data from matlab to arduino. I hope you understand what I mean.

Matlab bluetooth examples

There I have some problems because I need to send ('end') only once but in my program arduino is sending it in infinitive loop. I tried moved( Serial.write('end'); ) from loop to setup, but it sends me ('end') in the beggining of my program which is wrong.

I have there some delays because interfacing via bluetooth is little bit slower.It has to be like this:1. Recieve numbers in arduino, immediately send them back2. Send ('end') from arduino to matlab3. And again recieve numbers in arduino, immediately send them back. Arduino doesn't know that.

LoopMatlab bluetooth examples

In the future arduino supposed to be robot. But that's is doing my mate.

My work is to fix communication, that's why I used there delay. And Robin2 I don't know where put 'newData = true;' I tried something but with same result.


Numbers representing robot 's movement. So I send him 123 and that means 1-go straight, 2-turn left,3-turn right. After robot finish its movement, sends 'end' to matlab this 'end' I compare in matlab and send him another numbers. I'm able send data from matlab and then recieve them back. I'm able send string 'end' from arduino to maltab compare them and then my matlab send numbers to arduino. But when I have to do it in one program it always sends me 'end' more than once, so I can't compare it in matlab. Which means my Matlab's program stop running.

I'm on the phone right now, but I'll try explain IT. The arduino is robot And matlab is controlling system. Now I have to send numbers from matllab to arduino (123) 1- move forward 2- Turn left etc.). Now I have to send same numbers from arduino to matlab.

And check if I send correct numbers So matlab has to show 123. After while (arduino complied his jurney And want another numbers which represent another jurney). So I have to send something from arduino to matlab for example string end which I compare in matlab And matlab know that arduino want another numbers. So I send him for example numbers 456 from keyboarr. But problem is i cant compare it end beacase ITS send me 1end2end etc. So I cant send the second numbers for jurney. Ok I tried that.

Using For Loops In Matlab

And it doesn't work. When I tried send numbers from matlab via bluetooth or serial port it showed me only. I didn't receive any data into matlab, they didn't even show in serial monitor in arduino. But when I write numbers into serial monitor (in arduino) I recievedThis just in. 123So it doesn't work with matlab and still after that I need send 'end' so I have to put it somewhere into program. When I tried to put at the end of the program (Serial.println('end');)It sends me again end many times not only once.