
The modem world generally accepts quantitative evaluation as measures of prosperity and success. How much have you earned? How much did you save, produce, sell and acquire? Material success depends on how much, how many, or on how often. Spiritual seekers habitually apply the same quantitative measure in estimating their own inner achievements. Automatically they congratulate themselves at the quantity of their' glorious sadhana'.

Self-Unfoldment book. Read 9 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Used Book in good condition. May have some markings and writings. A blog about self unfoldment, self motivation, self discovery, indian culture, Reflections on the Self Unfoldment Book by Swami Chinmayananda Sunday, December 11, 2016.

However, quantitative measures are false indicators of spiritual progress. Even in the realms of culture, quantitative measurements can be used, but they are only useful as endorsements to the success recognized through a qualitative self-analysis. It is not how much one reads, but how much one understands, reflects on, and meditates upon that assures success. It is the quality, intensity, sincerity, devotion, understanding, and enthusiasm of the heart, with which one does the sadhana, that will determine the the heights to which the student can rise in his self-mastery.I have received letters from different sincere seekers who are chronic sufferers from 'lack of progress'. From their diaries, it is clear that if quantity alone is demanded in sadhana, these seekers have nothing more to do. And yet their experience is that they find themselves exactly where they were three years ago.

Indeed, it is a painful disappointment.The cure for them is easy to prescribe, but perhaps more difficult to practice. What they need is a more sharpened tempo in their spiritual seeking - a quickening of perception, an alertness of the soul, and a warmer ardency in their embrace of the goal. These factors cannot be developed by themselves one at a time. Yet these will already be found within them when their minds gain a deeper harmony. This occurs as a result of two processes: the negative one of detaching oneself from all dissipating urges (vairagya), and the positive one of gaining a clear picture of the all-satisfying goal and the straight path to it (viveka).

Once these qualities are carefully cultivated and fully developed - detachment from the false and discriminative appreciation of the Real - the rest of the pilgrimage becomes pleasant and sure, but in no way easy.Breaking the ShacklesIn the final analysis, Self-unfoldment must come to express itself in our own hearts. As long as it is loaded with its own base urges, motives, plans and schemes, that self-shackled heart cannot “take off' from its fields of sorrows and restlessness into the brilliant cloudless sky of spiritual freedom and cultural ease.Break the shackles. Make the vehicle lighter. Warm up the engines of meditation through Kirtan (devotional chants) and Japa (repetition of the Lord's name). Know the route from the study of the scriptures and take off. The early obstacles in meditation are unavoidable. As the vehicle gathers speed, the runway stretch slips by and one rises up from one's body concept into the sublime experience.

At first it must wing along the lower heights of feelings. Then the meditator climbs into the cloudy altitude of intellectual ideas, and soon it can soar high into the world of cloudless poise, sublime beauty, and brilliant self-mastery. Moral and spiritual joys and balance in ordinary life can come only to those who can thus explore and return from these rejuvenating realms within. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.

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Holy Gita Swami Chinmayananda Pdf

Just came in touch with this book when the days were going down. The way the subject is delivered is fantastic. This book made me to think thoughtfully many times and made to say 'what the hell, this is amazing', ' where was I, Why I didn't think this before' etc.

But that is the purpose of book, to make you unfold and aware of the things which you didn't give attention or you didn't know.This book is fantastically amazing till 100 pages and I don't know I felt little sluggish at the end but has Just came in touch with this book when the days were going down. The way the subject is delivered is fantastic. This book made me to think thoughtfully many times and made to say 'what the hell, this is amazing', ' where was I, Why I didn't think this before' etc. But that is the purpose of book, to make you unfold and aware of the things which you didn't give attention or you didn't know.This book is fantastically amazing till 100 pages and I don't know I felt little sluggish at the end but has contain the very important facets of life.4.5 out 0 5 and may be I will be interested after 100 pages after some years. The sheer difficulty of mastering these concepts and unfold the Self is probably what knocks the fifth star off this book haha.

Much of the book is established on the premise that you can only control your own actions, a notion I couldn't disagree with. However, it's very difficult for me to believe that I have to change for some people even when I know in my heart I'm write. I find certain kinds of people in my own life that are blatantly wrong but are so ignorant to see their own mistakes and The sheer difficulty of mastering these concepts and unfold the Self is probably what knocks the fifth star off this book haha.

Much of the book is established on the premise that you can only control your own actions, a notion I couldn't disagree with. However, it's very difficult for me to believe that I have to change for some people even when I know in my heart I'm write. I find certain kinds of people in my own life that are blatantly wrong but are so ignorant to see their own mistakes and merely vindicate themselves from the blame. I realize that is what might make one toxic and I know I can never change someone to my beliefs. Adobe photoshop cs6 3d plugin. It's just bringing awareness to perspectives other than one's own is my innate goal.

Of course, I could be greatly misinterpreting his points. From what I read, he seems like a profound man with a wisdom many would be blessed to have.With many things in life, there is a moderation to follow with these principles. He himself says that blindly following these principles without truly understanding/believing in them essentially makes you a follower.

Swami chinmayananda india

Swami Chinmayananda Video

Not giving in to emotions however negative, not clinging on to the past, and all these other values are so difficult to follow. It's all easier said than done no doubt.

Chinmayananda Mission

I think he wrote this book with the idea that most of us live in modern worlds where so many problems are present and we have to do so much more than someone who might be living away from civilization, being at more peace.I never disagree with many of his points, it's just the extent to which they be brought about that we must often consider. I was made aware of this book this past year though the Chinmaya Yuvakendra group at Michigan State. Written with adherence to principles of Vedanta from Hinduism and other religions, this book is a well-written read not just for a religion or philosophy major but for a person who seeks more truth, solace, happiness, and peace.