I was just reading a Q&A by Charles Poliguin. I came across in answer that has really got my curiousity going. The question was along the lines of “I would like to gain muscle and strength but I am small boned and have mostly slow twitch muscle fibers and I overtrain easily”. Charles first part of his response was that slow twitch individuals won’t respond to relative strength protocols.

Charles Poliquin Hypertrophy Program Designation

Do-It-Yourself Program DesignIf you started training at a young age, chances are you never followed a structured program. Instead you just had some simple goals in mind. Whether it was to squat three wheels or bench two bills, you wanted to get somewhere no matter what it took.You didn't periodize your training, try different exercises, use Time Under Tension or monitor your rest periods. Your only goal was to keep piling on weights, week after week, until you achieved that goal.


One of my early mentors (Charles Poliquin) popularized the 6-12-25 program for hypertrophy, fat loss, strength endurance, and lactic capacity. In this video, I show you how to modify the program to target different strength qualities in the gym, and how to utilize the program across a wide variety of training cycles for maximum results.


When you understand the underlying principles of a program, you can modify it and adapt it to different goals.