1. Purpose Pattern And Process Ebook3000 Examples
Purpose Pattern And Process Ebook3000

IntroductionIn this article we will learn the next topic for the Web API 2, the Repository Pattern. In this article I will deal with the Repository Pattern in the Web API and describe the debugging process. In general the definition of a repository is 'A place, room, or container where something is deposited or stored', according to Merrriam-Webster. The Repository Pattern is a common construct to avoid duplications of data access logic throughout our application.

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This includes direct access to a database. The purpose of a repository is to hide the details of accessing the data from the database or any other resource. In this approach we can easily query the repository data objects, without having to know how to provide things like connection strings.

The repository behaves like an in-memory data collection to which we can add, delete and update objects.Let us try to understand the Repository Pattern using code.PrerequisitesThere are the following things we need to use when developing a Web API application:. Visual Studio 2013. ASP.NET Web APIGetting StartedStep 1Open Visual Studio 2013. As in the following image we need to open Visual Studio 2013 and select 'File' - 'New' - 'Project.'

.Step 2Select New Project and provide a nice name to your application and choose the Web API Template.Step 3Add a Student class inside the Model.Step 4Add an interface as the repository class inside the model as in the following. Now we will learn the process of debugging. Before beginning to learn debugging let's try to understand how the Routing Mechanism works in the Web API. The following diagram depicts the real image of routing in the web API.

Purpose Pattern And Process Ebook3000 Examples

Let's understand it.Routing is the main mechanism of the ASP.NET Web API that is composed of the following three steps:. Find the matching route and parse the route data. Find the matching controller. Find the matching actionSince the preceding steps fails, the API will not be executed. For example, suppose no controller is found, then the matching ends and no action is seen by the RouteTable and gets an error. The first point is as said above; a route will be matched. Every route is defined with a route template, defaults, constraints, data tokens and handler.

(Routes are configured by default in AppStartWebApiConfig.cs ) Once a route is matched, the request URL is parsed into the route data based on the route template. Route data is a dictionary mapping from string to object. Controller matching is purely done based on the value of the “controller” key in the route data. If the key “controller” doesn't exist in the route data, the controller selection will fail.

Purpose pattern and process ebook3000 template

If the route data contains the key “action” then the action will be searched based on the action name. Unlike ASP.NET MVC, the Web API routes generally do not use action names in routing.Find all actions where the action name is “action” in the route data.Each action supports one or more HTTP Verbs (GET, POST, PUT and so on).

Eliminate those actions that don't support the current HTTP request's verb.If the route data doesn't contain a key “action”, then the action will be searched based on the supported request method directly. Selected actions in either of the preceding two steps, examine the parameters of the action method. Eliminate those actions that don't match all the parameters in the route data.There are some circumstances where we can find some error, something like if all actions that are marked by the NonAction attribute.If more than one action matches, an HTTP 500 error is thrown. (Internally an HttpResponseException is thrown.)If there is no matching action, an HTTP 404 error is thrown.