User List Definition Page. The approval user list defines user sources for use with steps in the approval processes (rules). PeopleSoft General Ledger delivers a demo user list that uses a PS Query to combine the route controls on the Administrative Area of the General Ledger and business unit that matches the current delivered General Ledger. Peoplesoft (1) PeopleSoft 9.2 (1) PeopleSoft Installation (3) Peoplesoft Mobile (1) Peoplesoft Records (2) PeopleSoft Setup (1) PeopleTools (2) PeopleTools 8.50 (2) PeopleTools 8.51 (8) PeopleTools 8.52 (4) PeopleTools 8.53 (3) Person Model (3) PIA (1) PIA Navigation query (1) Pivot Grid (1) Portal (6) Portal Branding (1) Process Scheduler (2) PS Query (1) Query (12) Query Security (1). PeopleSoft Financials 9.2 Web Query is a graphical tool that allows you to easily retrieve specific data from the PeopleSoft system. The data is retrieved by running predefined or custom queries. You can schedule a query in both Query Viewer and Query Manager. The following steps will guide you through scheduling a query in Query Manager.

I apologize about the delay in my response. Sounds like this post is for you, based on what you are saying it sounds like you are returning all users in the array upon calling the user list. This is the mistake I made when I first tried to write my dynamic user list. What I learned is that AWE will call this user list until you return an empty array.

So you need to populate the array with the user id that is the manager of the &aryPrevOpr. Once it gets to the CEO the logic should look for the supervisor of the CEO and then return an empty array.

This will effectively end the workflow. I am not sure where 'approve authorization' is an option, the only thing close to this is 'check Authorization' in my system and I don't have that checked on my dynamic path.You can test your approval setup by creating a simple Userlist with hard coded values. In the example below replace TEST1 with the user you are using to submit your transaction and TEST2 and TEST3 with approvers. Hi Kevin,Let me start by thanking you for this post as this is the only place till now where I see a simple to understand example for Dynamic approval!! I tried the TEST1, TEST2, TEST3 example and results are promising.I have a question for you.

Can we generate dynamic paths. When I say path I do not mean generate the steps dynamically inside the path but can paths be generated by programming.In our requirement for requisition AWE, we have approval for line level. The chain of approvers are decided on chartfield at distrib level.

This means that for line with N distributions, we would need to have N paths created dynamically.To your knowledge, can the above be done? I have spoken to few functional folks who have seen something similar being accomplished, but have no idea how it was done.

Would love to hear back your thoughts on this.Thanks,Ali. To my knowledge there is no way to create a dynamic path.

However, this is how I would handle that scenario. I would create and Approval process that would be one stage, with one path and create one step with a Dynamic userlist. This User List would be passed the xref record for the line and would need to loop through every line in at the Distrib.

It would populate one array with multiple approvers. Basically, loop through the distrib for each line and determine who the approver is and add them to the array if they are not already there.

Then it would return that array once, then you would have to account for AWE calling the userlist again and return and empty array( that is pretty easy). You would then need to define the Step Approver Requirements and seti it to 'All Approvers Required'. Hi Everyone.I have three levels of approval when Non OMF - Requestor - OMF (stages). During submitting the Requisition When No approvers found in all the level then approval is routing to workflow admin this is fine,But suppose i approved the first level approval (Non -OMF) then i terminated the requester and when someone approving on behalf of Requestor then skipping the next level (OMF) instead of routing to workflow admin.Can any one please help me how to implement this scenario.Thanks in AdvanceRajesh.

That is not a limitation of AWE. You can have sequential approvals using dynamic step. What you have to do is write your application package userlist in a way that it will only return one set of approvers per call. I think what you are missing is that AWE will call your userlist over and over again until you return and empty array. Each call made to the Application Package will represent a sequential approver.

If you write your application package to find all your approvers at once then it will be one step with all your approvers on that step. I developed the dynamic user list and win message shows all the approvers info.


But the approval path shows only CEO information. I need the approval chain from the employee to CEO. We use positionmanagement.

Kevin,Really I need help on this.I have a requirement that 1st approver should be HR manager Approval chain up to CEO Staffing.In this case, after reaching staffing my Approval chain starts again and it messing up the loop. Please advise.I wrote the following dynamic userlist code and getting some issues.

So you are looking to enable mobile/fluid approvals in PeopleSoft?I'll give brief steps and explanation on how to enable and configure fluid approval pages.Setup Security:Give users who plan to use mobile approvals proper security, there is delivered role Approvals Fluid. After assigning this role to users, users will be able to see the mobile/fluid approvals pages.Publish Tile:.

Go to PeopleTools - Portal - Structure and Content - Fluid Structure Content - Fluid HomePages. Edit the HomePage label where you want to publish the Approval Tile, in Tile Content navigate to group box PeopleSoft Common Architecture and make sure Approvals check box is checked and select Opt-Dflt (Optional Default) drop down value or any other value based on your requirement then use Tile Publish button on the top of the page to publish the tile.

Real time search using pivot grids is same as finding existing value in classic search page. Fluid search page will enable users to search for a value and thus display transaction page based on serach value selected from search results.Steps to create pivot grid based search:1. Create your fluid component and add valid search record you want to use, in internet tab make sure Search radio button is selected and set search type to Standard in fluid tab2.

Create your fluid page and insert into your fluid component3. Create a pivot grid model by selecting data source as component, and give name of appropriate fluid component you created in step 1 (Note that only one pivot grid model can be associated with the fluid component)4. Pivot grids model you created is by default set to chart the only view and cannot be changed5. Access your fluid page from online/tile now after registering on portal, it should bring up the search page based on options you selected in Pivot Grid Model.

Generally, when setting up tile image in PeopleSoft Fluid, the system accepts only SVG images, but you can bypass this constraint in the following way:1. Create the image in application designer XYZIMG in your desired format.2. Create HTML definition XYZHTML to display image in HTML areaMake sure to set image width and height to match your tile size.3. Create application package and insert a class, like below. Add following method to viewHTML class/.Display HTML Tile area with Image./import PTGPAPPCLASSTILE:Tiles:Tile;class ViewHTML extends PTGPAPPCLASSTILE:Tiles:Tilemethod ViewHTML;method getTileLiveData;end-class;method ViewHTML%Super = create PTGPAPPCLASSTILE:Tiles:Tile;end-method;method getTileLiveData/+ Extends/implements PTGPAPPCLASSTILE:Tiles:Tile.getTileLiveData +/%This.SetTileContentAsHTML;%This.TileHtmlArea = GetHTMLText( HTML.XYZHTML );%This.hasLiveDataDescr = True; /.

Peoplesoft Awe Email Approvals

Enables the live data area./Local string &String;&String = 'Test Environment';%This.TileLiveData1 = &String;end-method;5. Navigate to tile wizard, PeopleTools - Portal - Tile Wizard, select desired folder from navigation collection and click Create New Tile.On the second page select the appropriate app class you created in step 3 of this process. The viewport is the visible area of a page. By default, the browsers attempt to load the entire page onto the viewport. This makes the page appear very small on some tablets and phones. You should set the PeopleTools default viewport on the post-build of every component and page activate of secondary pages to avoid this problem.There is a function in 8.54 and a method in 8.55 that will allow you to set this.In 8.54Declare Function SetViewport PeopleCode PTLAYOUT.FUNCLIB FieldFormula;SetViewport('); /.

apply the system default viewport setting./In 8.55import PTPAGEUTILS:.;Local PTPAGEUTILS:Utils &oPageUtils = create PTPAGEUTILS:Utils;&oPageUtils.SetDefaultViewport.