1. Stephen Harris Molina

Amazon.com Product Description (, Paperback)Stephen Harris' text is the best-selling nonsectarian guide designed for students undertaking their first systematic study of the bible, and it is the only single-volume text that provides both a comprehensive historical-cultural background for the entire biblical era and a rigorous analysis of each individual work of the Old Testament, Apocrypha, and New Testament. The purpose of the text is twofold: to acquaint readers with the content and major themes of each biblical book and to familiarize them with important contemporary scholarship.(retrieved from Amazon Thu, 12 Mar 2015 18:15:30 -0400). This text is the best-selling non-sectarian guide for students undertaking their first systematic study of the Bible, and it is the only single-volume text that gives both a comprehensive historical-cultural background for the entire biblical era and a rigorous analysis of each individual work of the Old Testament, Apocrypha and New Testament.

The purpose of the text is twofold: to acquaint readers with the content and major themes of each biblical book and to familiarize them with important contemporary scholarship. A new chapter on historically evolving concepts of God enhances the book's value in studying the history of Judaeo-Christian religion.

Harris taught an adult education class on 'Evolving Concepts of God' at St. Mark's Methodist Church, Sacramento, using his text, The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible. Harris, Stephen L. Exploring the Bible. ISBN 978-0-07-340736-4. Harris, Stephen L. Understanding The Bible. Understanding The Bible, 8Th Edition Author(s): Stephen Harris Genre. Kjv Word Study Bible. Rent How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth A Guide To Understanding The Bible. Understanding The Bible Harris, Stephen. Aid to bible understanding download pdf. List of ebooks and manuels about Aid to bible understanding.

Chapter 1 has been extensively rewritten to more effectively introduce students to essential facts about the origins and growth of biblical literature and to the critical techniques scholars use to study it. Pertinent new material has been added to every chapter, giving more detailed examinations of biblical ideas and themes, and the bibliographies have been updated.

Stephen Harris Molina

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