  1. Gungor Ghosts Upon The Earth Zip Code Overlay
  2. Gungor Ghosts Upon The Earth Zip Code Map
Gungor Ghosts Upon The Earth Zip Code

And the lord said, 'I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; Both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the f. Rate it: (0.00 / 0 votes) Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain Tow Ubukata: Surprised they gave us permission to exhume the body. They had better. Ghosts Upon the Earth is the second album by Christian band Gungor and the seventh album self-produced by singer Michael Gungor.This album received a nomination at 54th Grammy Awards for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album.

Gungor Ghosts Upon The Earth Zip Code

At the heart of Gungor’s music is that corporatetranscendent experience that can happen when people get together toworship. Our music has always beendesigned to draw the listener into a moment of connection with the Divine. For this reason, our live shows are avery important part of our work.The live shows aren’t simply the places that we market the songs that wepreviously recorded; they are the places of connection from the music to realhuman faces, joy and pain.

Gungor Ghosts Upon The Earth Zip Code Overlay

It isabstraction moving to connection. Ithink this is part of why people keep asking us for a live album.There is something that happens live that is difficult tocapture in a studio. There is apower when there is a “we” that has purposefully joined their heartstogether. We have hadsome pretty incredible moments of connection in our live shows, but we’ve neverhad a way of sharing those moments with people outside of the ones at theshow. We’ve actually pitched theidea of a live album several times in the past to our label, but it neverworked out.We have recently fulfilled our contract with our label andare now free to make this album that we feel like we are supposed to make, butwe can’t do it without your help.The idea is to make a live album as well as a short film ofsorts. Rather than focusing on asingle concert experience, we would like to record the majority of our upcomingSpring tour and compile the most “magical” moments that happen into oneproject.One of our hopes in doing it this way is not only to gatherfrom the best of our live experiences, but also to portray some of thediversity and beauty of the Body of Christ. The extent of this project is going to be directly tied tothe budget.

Gungor Ghosts Upon The Earth Zip Code Map

I have big dreams for whatthis could be, but we don’t have the resources to do it all ourselves.To let you into my head a little bit, we are planning ondoing a fair amount of international traveling this year, and I am imagingcapturing expressions of the Body of Christ from all around the world. For example, how cool would it be tohave one song recorded with the Church gathered in a mainstream venue in NewYork City, but then the next song is being sung with the Church gatheredworking in an African orphanage or a basement in China? How powerful would it be to bring acouple acoustic guitars and a string section into a room with a bunch ofrecovering drug addicts and sing “Beautiful Things” with them? That’s the kind of thing we’d like tosee on this film rather than just a traditional concert DVD.To pull it off though, we are going to need to bring a bunchof gear and personnel out on tour with us, and that’s not cheap. If we raised 30,000 dollars fromKickstarter, we could afford to get it done, but we’d still have to cut somecorners. Anything extra that wecould raise over our bottom line goal would go towards making this project thatmuch better. As many problems as humanreligion has, we believe the Bride of Christ is beautiful and we’d like to puther on display a little bit to the world.This is something that’s been rolling around in my head andheart for a long time, but we’ve never had a way to pull it off.

I’m hoping this could be the way. Thanks for your prayers andconsideration! Grace and peace,Michael. Spiritual retreat limited to 15 people led by Michael and at least some of the band in the Rocky mountains (near Denver) June 8-10. Gungor will cover registration, catering, and lodging for the retreat, but any travel and ground transportation costs are your responsibility.Hoping to have some meaningful discussion as well as plenty of time for silence, meditation, prayer.etcThis isn't a camping trip, it will be at a nice location, with good food. Should be a really great time together.The kind of topics we might engage in together are worship, meditation, creativity, silence, social justice.etc.