1. Wow 7.3.5 Patch Notes

Final Patch 8.3 or 8.4-OUTDOOR QUESTING ZONE- Balor-RAID- N'Zoth's Prison and then The Shadowlands-LORE- The Old Gods have revealed that they work best through whispers and subtle corruption. They also thrive off general conflict for the sake of conflict, whether between themselves and their servants or with their enemies. With the Horde vs. Alliance conflict taking front and center stage in this expansion, an entity such as N'Zoth would strike me as a creature that would benefit most from said conflict. The in-game Order Halls introduced in Legion and even players that are critical of the theme of this expansion have expressed how meaningless and small the faction conflict is to their interests. But not to a being such as N'Zoth. Balor hasn't been seen since the Second War, but it was a site of heavy Horde and Alliance conflict during that war.


Wow 7.3.5 Patch Notes

Balor was originally depicted as being close to both the Eastern Kingdoms and the Tomb of Sargeras, so placing it South of the Broken Isles directly between Alliance-dominated Kul Tiras and Horde-dominated Zandalar would be appropriate. Coincidentally, Balor would be located right in the area where N'Zoth's prison would likely be in present day. N'Zoth would have an amalgamation of allies to chose from that would be trying to break him out of his hidden titan prison underneath the island from Naga and Twilight's Hammer remnants to corrupted titan-forged and n'raqi (maybe makrura if they prove to be an aqir offshoot).If during the raid he manages to break free (assuming not before), I would imagine the next part of the raid would be in the Shadowlands similar to how the Siege of Orgimmar raid started in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms for the first 1/4 and then went to Orgimmar for the remaining 3/4ths of the raid. I hypothesize that since the Old Gods are creatures made from the Void, and the Shadowlands are supposedly adjacent to where the Void exists, that N'Zoth would likely try to completely take over the Shadowlands if he became unrestricted. The Old Gods seem to feed on negative emotions, conflict, and the souls of the dead. There would be a LOT of these things for N'Zoth to feast on if a full-scale battle between the Horde and Alliance erupts on Balor right above his prison.The Shadowlands seem like a great place for a giant power struggle to ensue between forces that seek to control the realm of death. So let's take a look at what we would likely see there:.

Wow Patch 4 3 Mining Bot For Wow. 5/15/2017 0 Comments. Always up to date with the latest patch (7.2.0). The largest World of Warcraft (WoW) information website, featuring information on classes, professions, artifacts, raids, transmog, and more. World of Warcraft: Legion News. With this patch, we’ve added full support for players who wish to appear online at all times. Now, when you log out of World of Warcraft, you’ll still appear to be online farming random battlegrounds or dungeons. We really hope you enjoy this highly-requested new layer of confusion being added to your personal relationships.

1) Sinestra/Sintharia. While on island expeditions, adventurers can discover a Ring of the Reefs that was granted to powerful kvaldir mistweavers by Helya herself. Sensing Helya's power on the ring, the adventurers bring it to Valdemar Stormseeker, who claims that Helya wasn't truly defeated and that she is now growing in power, saying 'You cannot kill death!'

.Helheim also seems to be a pocket dimension within the Shadowlands, so it isn't too far fetched to think that the latter wouldn't be her stomping grounds too. 3) Hakkar the Soulflayer and possibly Quetz'lun. Upon destroying the spiritual chains holding the Soulflayer in place, Hakkar turns upon Jin'do, and utterly destroys him, leaving only the corpse of Jin'do the Broken. Hakkar then returns the adventurers to the mortal realm, promising to deal with them another time, before vanishing.Also, the blood trolls were originally worshipers of Hakkar before turning to worship G'huun under the leadership of Zul. After G'huun's defeat, I could see the remaining blood trolls returning to worship of the Soulflayer, especially if he is in an alliance with N'Zoth, which is very likely because. Gorak Tul says: Your hollow victory.

Means nothing.Gorak Tul says: The Drust. Relent.Since Thros seems like a pocket dimension of the Shadowlands similar to Helheim, I can see the Drust returning in vengeance for their leader being slain. Maybe some Drust amalgamation kind of creature?.

6) N'ZothI have long theorized that Yogg-Saron, the self-proclaimed God of Death, used energy from the Shadowlands to create the Emerald Nightmare and corrupt the Emerald Dream. I already mentioned up above why I think the Shadowlands would be a perfect place for a N'Zoth raid. The Old Gods have been obsessed with controlling the cosmic force of Death for a while. We have N'Zoth-corrupted Deathwing, the Aspect of Death. We have Yogg-Saron, the God of Death. We have G'huun making undead in Zandalar, taking away the souls that would go to Bwansamdi's care. 7) The half-dead/corrupted dark-half spirit of AzerothI made another thread long ago building a case about how the Battle for Azeroth expansion has been themed all around Death:This was the last thing I said on that post relating to why I believe we might even have to fight Azeroth herself in order to save her.

This expansion is called Battle FOR Azeroth, so the factions are left with a choice to either let the world-soul DIE (death, death, death!!!), be corrupted by the Void, or save it. To avoid the first two outcomes, we have to stop the faction war (needless death) once and for all, and just bring the factions back to the way they were post Warcraft 3 (separate but not officially at war, save for skirmishes here and there). We may even have to fight a 'shadow-half' version of the world-soul herself to save her from complete corruption before she wakes up. That might be the most appropriate way to end this expansion.-So there you have it. I'll put a poll up so you can choose which potential boss you anticipate the most. I appreciate any feedback. Who told you that the Shadowlands is the 8.3 patch, and not the next expansion?

(that is what i believe.)No confirmation from anybody. Just a hypothesis based on the recurring Death theme of this expansion, as well as the history of players visiting the Shadowlands (without the non-canon gameplay mechanic of death) as early as WotLK in the Howling Fjord. Not to mention we were just introduced to Bolvar's daughter in Kul Tiras and interacted with Bolvar both in Legion during the Deathknight Order Hall questing, as well as with Horde players inquiring about the spirit of Vol'jin's forced removal from the Shadowlands. We went to the Shadowlands AGAIN in WoD when fighting Ner'zhul, in Legion when fighting Helya in Helheim, and in BfA when fighting Gorak Tul in Thros, the Blighted Lands.As for why I don't think the Shadowlands could carry a whole expansion is the same reason why the Emerald Dream/Nightmare couldn't. Lack of variety. Both realms are essentially near-mirror images of our physical world, just one is radiating with the element of Spirit, the other Decay. With a raid, they could take us to several locations throughout Azeroth like they did with the Emerald Nightmare, just in the Shadowlands instead.

I just don't think the Shadowlands could give us 5-7 zones of level-up questing content with every zone centered around Death. Even WotLK even had variety throughout Northrend. Just my two cents.