Get ready, it's your turn to step up to the conductor's podium to experience the most emotional orchestral collection ever released with Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE. When it comes to new sounds.

Ham N Egz IKMultimedia this purchase qualified me Miroslav Philharmonik Classik Edition $ 16 So as you can see I log in and I have my original amount, No I havent entered a ticket yet, I suppose I will do that next, I assumed it would be an automatic addition.It should be automatic (but you do have to log on, like I see you have). Since that's not the case that's why a ticket would be in order.

However, Miroslav Philharmonik CE is not the qualifier, did you purchase Miroslav Philharmonik (the full version) during the qualifying period?Now this is weird, My Products lists Miroslav Philharmonik Latest version: 1.1.2Released on: and Miroslav Philharmonik Classik EditionLatest version: 1.1.2Released on: but my jam points registration only listed CE crazy. First registration Digital ID: xxxxxAuthorization Code: xxxxxRequested On: so I should be in the qualifying period?If you let me know your IK username, I can have someone check on it. Otherwise, I'll just be guessing. You can PM if you'd like to keep your IK username private. I am bumfuzzled big time!!

Are you guys running 32 bit MP in Sonar Platinum on Windows 10? I can get MP to run as standalone but it crashes and burns everytime I try to use it in SPLAT with 10!!! Both 32 and 64 bit versions just choke! If so, how did you get it to work? Boy, I sure hope MP2 has been sorted out because I do like MP and would use it a lot more if I could get it to work as a plugin.

I bought Sampletank 3 just for the MP features and it works great but I like the gui and the menus better in the original MP. Sonar Platinum, Sonar X3e, Sonar X2a, Sonar X1 Expanded and 8.5.3 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 10 on a Toshiba P75-A7200 Laptop with i7 @ 2.4 quad and 8 gigs of RAM and secondary WD 1 Tb drive, Windows 10 desktop, Asus i5 @ 3.2 quad, 12 gigs RAM, 1 Tb drive, 1 500 gig drive, MOTU 24io, 2 Roland Studio Captures, Saffire 6 USB for laptop, Soundtracs Topaz Project 8 mixer, Alesis Monitor 2s, Event BAS 20/20s, Roland Micro-Monitor BA-8s, and 45 years worth of collecting FX, Mics, Amps, Guitars, and Keyboards! Here is how I use Miroslav Phil: 1) There is a subset included in Sampletank 3. They have been updated and processed to fit within ST3 and its effects, and all sound excellent.

This is what I mostly use. It's most definitely a small subset. 2) I imported all the instruments from Miroslav into Sampletank. This means I have the instruments/samples but only the custom programming to the extent that ST3 supports it. For instance, some of the imported instruments use expression (CC11) and they do not work consistently as intended inside Sampletank. I've concluded that the original MP is too problematic to use in general, and have chosen my few favorites MP instruments and defined custom instruments for them in ST3. I really like how the ST3 MP instruments are playable with 'expression' using velocity, as that's sort of how I play.

Using CC1 and CC11, as is necessary in e.g. Hollywood Orchestra and Albion, is less intuitive to me (but obviously opens up other possibilities). I really like the tone of the original MP, and it was first symphonic collection I 'connected' with, so I'm probably going to get it for no other reason than I like MP 1. (At least they don't call it MP 1 and MP One - ). I tried importing my MP in to Sampletank 3 but, like you said, some features are lost so I just use the MP Sampletank3 sounds. I bought the upgrade pre-buy of MP2 and am anxiously awaiting that release. I use Garritan quite a bit but it, also, uses controllers rather than velocity on some articulations.

I also have the old Peter Sziedlaczek Orchestra and Choir librarys that run in Kontakt. One of these days I'll get around to upping to EW, Kirk Hunter, etc. For now, what I have fills the bill. Sonar Platinum, Sonar X3e, Sonar X2a, Sonar X1 Expanded and 8.5.3 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 10 on a Toshiba P75-A7200 Laptop with i7 @ 2.4 quad and 8 gigs of RAM and secondary WD 1 Tb drive, Windows 10 desktop, Asus i5 @ 3.2 quad, 12 gigs RAM, 1 Tb drive, 1 500 gig drive, MOTU 24io, 2 Roland Studio Captures, Saffire 6 USB for laptop, Soundtracs Topaz Project 8 mixer, Alesis Monitor 2s, Event BAS 20/20s, Roland Micro-Monitor BA-8s, and 45 years worth of collecting FX, Mics, Amps, Guitars, and Keyboards! Hi all, I'm surprised that I cannot find any info about presets in PM2.

That is, there should be a lot of different types of setups of the instruments for 'full' orchestras with popular variations as well as smaller groups such as string quartets in their typical configurations. I don't want to spend a lot of time having to place each instrument, set its volume level, etc. Every time I instantiate PM2.

I anticipate a host of popular configurations to modify. Furthermore: Given that many users would combine output from PM2 with other sounds for pop, there really should be a large number of these. For example, a typical orchestra but with a small hole in the stereo field slightly to one side or the other of center; orchestra compressed to the left or to the right. I typically like very wide violins or cellos for pop mixes, completely balanced left to right, not to one side. It would be nice to have presets that have orchestra percussion set up like typical drum kits for pop in order to simply substitute 'kit pieces.' Does there exist such a list of presets like this, with descriptive names or other accompanying info to give potential customers some idea of how little or much work is involved in setting up various orchestras and string quartets?

Miroslav Philharmonik Ce Keygen Software 2017

Miroslav Philharmonik Ce Keygen Software

Thanks for your attention, Dave Clark. DaveClark Hi bapu, Thanks - hope so!

Another question occurred to me as I was reading the online marketing stuff, possibly also for Peter: Are the keyswitch keys re-assignable? I don't have C0 or D0 on my main keyboard, for example. The pics typically show C0 through G0. Regards, Dave Clark PS: I asked this particular question also on the IK Multimedia forums, but it appears that questions have gone unanswered for several days there - and time is running out.Dave, Doesn't your keyboard have an octave shifter? I have an M-Audio Axiom 61 that allows that. It may not always solve the problem it in many instances it could help. BapuDave, Doesn't your keyboard have an octave shifter?

I have an M-Audio Axiom 61 that allows that. It may not always solve the problem it in many instances it could help.Hi bapu, Thanks for the suggesting the idea. My keyboard is really old, a Korg N264.

I'm pretty sure I can shift all the keys, but I don't believe that there is any sort of on-board 'keyswitch' octave shifter, but I'll look at the manual to double-check. I could possibly add in MIDI plugin that would transpose the unused lower keys downward a bit, or even write such a plugin if nothing exists. I wouldn't be surprised if one of those fancy arpeggiators like Kirnu Cream could do it.

It would have been more straightforward if IK Multimedia had considered this and allowed for it. IMO this is one of those things that we pay programmers to consider when writing software - part of making it usable. Thanks again and Regards, Dave Clark.