Tags:, wildfires, arsonist, sex offenderJanuary 8-12 2014 Greater Saint John Baptist Church on E. San Antonio St. In San Jose was damagedby arson, and another fire was set on the property on Sunday January 12. A series of fires have been evidently set by the same person in the Roosevelt, Little Portugal, Wooster and Five Wounds neighborhoods, as well as the eastern parts of the Brookwood Terrace, Naglee Park and Northside neighborhoods near downtown San Jose, California. January 13 was the first time in six days there were no suspicious fires after a string of 12 suspicious fires over five consecutive days.

Goals Of A Serial Arsonist

Hunt in Calif. For serial arsonist intensifies. SAN JOSE, Calif. The hunt for an arsonist intensifies as two more suspicious fires strike a downtown San Jose neighborhood that has seen a string of fires this week, reports CBS San Francisco. Fire Department Capt. Rob Brown said Sunday 11 of 13 fires that broke out in. All real asDATE NEEDED well. They are all infamous serial killers. According to Eric W. Hickey, author of “Serial Murderers and Their Victims,” serial mur-derers include “any offenders, male or female, who kill over time” (Hickey 12). It is doubtful that anyone would disagree with Hickey’s definition.


A string of a dozen intentionally set fires from Jan. 12, including a that destroyed a 125,000-square-foot warehouse. Firefighters originally said that the warehouse fire was not connected to the serial arsons. An officer searched through databases of registered arsonists until he found one that looked like a sketch, and Patrick William Brennan was arrested on January 15 after surveillance.The suspect has 2001 conviction for sexually assaulting a minor.

He was a registered arsonist in Campbell. In 1995 he was convicted on misdemeanor charge for setting fire to forest debris in and around the Grand Canyon National Park. He set 16 fires in Santa Clara County's western hills on or near hiking trails in 1999, leading to a year in jail. At the time he pled guilty, and sought mental counseling for his dyslexia, and told a TV reporter ' ' I'm not just some crazed maniac going out there trying to destroy their properties or their lives' he said.' A blaze Saturday the 11th burned an elderly couple out of their Victorian style home.

All of the fires flared up between the hours of 2 a.m. And fire officials have declared that at least eight of the fires were started intentionally. The story was covered by NBC television news on January 14.Timeline.

2001 conviction for sexually assaulting a minor. Mid 1990s on a misdemeanor charge for setting fire to forest debris in and around the Grand Canyon National Park.

1999: Set 16 fires in Santa Clara County's western hills on or near hiking trails in 1999, leading to a year in jail. January 2014 A string of a dozen intentionally set fires from Jan. 12,. January 9, 2014 five-alarm blaze destroys a 125,000-square-foot warehouse. January 15, 2014 arrested. Jan 16, 2014 - San Jose Police released this mug shot of Patrick William Brennan, 48, who was.