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To link to this poem, put the URL below into your page. Home And Exile: Chinua Achebe In 1958 Chinua Achebe published Things Fall Apar t, the novel that helped usher in a new wave of African literature. Until that point literature concerning African had been written by European colonials, and was rife with derogatory depictions of African people and their varied cultures.

About Home and Exile“A rare opportunity to glimpse a bit of the man behind the monumental novels.” — Chicago TribunePowerful and deeply personal, these three essays by the great Nigerian author articulate his mission to rescue African culture from the narratives written by Europeans. Looking through the prism of his experiences as a student in English schools in Nigeria, he recalls his first encounters with European perspectives on Africa in the works of Joyce Cary and Elspeth Huxley. He examines the impact that his novel Things Fall Apart —as well as fellow Nigerian Amos Tutola’s The Palm-Wine Drinkard and Jomo Kenyatta’s Facing Mt. Kenya, among other works —had on efforts to reclaim Africa’s story.

He confronts the persistence of colonial views of Africa. And he argues for the importance of living and writing the African experience: Africa needs stories told by Africans.

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♥ Book Title: Home and Exile♣ Name Author: Chinua Achebe∞ Launching: 2000-07-27◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 081⊕ Number Pages: Total 128 sheet♮ News id: BZc25jgOhgC☯ Full Synopsis: 'Chinua Achebe is Africa's most prominent writer, the author of Things Fall Apart, the best known-and best selling-novel ever to come out of Africa. His fiction and poetry burn with a passionate commitment to political justice, bringing to life not only Africa's troubled encounters with Europe but also the dark side of contemporary African political life. Now, in Home and Exile, Achebe reveals the man behind his powerful work. Here is an extended exploration of the European impact on African culture, viewed through the most vivid experience available to the author-his own life. It is an extended snapshot of a major writer's childhood, illuminating his roots as an artist.

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Achebe discusses his English education and the relationship between colonial writers and the European literary tradition. He argues that if colonial writers try to imitate and, indeed, go one better than the Empire, they run the danger of undervaluing their homeland and their own people. Achebe contends that to redress the inequities of global oppression, writers must focus on where they come from, insisting that their value systems are as legitimate as any other. Stories are a real source of power in the world, he concludes, and to imitate the literature of another culture is to give that power away. Home and Exile is a moving account of an exceptional life. Achebe reveals the inner workings of the human conscience through the predicament of Africa and his own intellectual life. It is a story of the triumph of mind, told in the words of one of this century's most gifted writers.


'Article Chinua Achebe Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Things Fall Apart♣ Name Author: Chinua Achebe∞ Launching: 1996◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 255⊕ Number Pages: Total 148 sheet♮ News id: CGaDj8r13WcC☯ Full Synopsis: 'This expanded edition of Chinua Achebe's first novel portrays the collision of African and European cultures in an Igbo village. Okonkwo, a great man in Igbo traditional society, cannot adapt to the profound changes brought by the British conquest of Nigeria. Yet, as in classic tragedy, Okonkwo's character as well as external forces contribute to his downfall. This expanded edition includes new illustrations, maps, additional essays on history, culture,and literature, and reference material to help readers see Achebe's classic novel in social and historical context, and to understand its place in world literature.

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'Article Chinua Achebe Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Conversations with Chinua Achebe♣ Name Author: Chinua Achebe∞ Launching: 1997◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 997⊕ Number Pages: Total 199 sheet♮ News id: GPaqRWFK3wEC☯ Full Synopsis: 'Chinua Achebe's books are being read throughout the English-speaking world.

They have been translated into more than fifty languages. His publishers estimate that more than eight million copies of his first novel Things Fall Apart (1958) have been sold. As a consequence, he is the best known and most widely studied African author. His distinguished books of fiction and nonfiction include No Longer at Ease, Arrow of God, Morning Yet on Creation Day, Christmas in Biafra, and others. Achebe often has been called the inventor of the African novel.

Although he modestly denies the title, it is true that modern African literature would not have flowered so rapidly and spectacularly had he not led the way by telling Africa's story from a distinctively African point of view. Many other Africans have been inspired to write novels by his example. The interviews collected here span more than thirty years of Achebe's writing career.

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The earliest was recorded in 1962, the latest in 1995. Together they offer a representative sample of what he has said to interviewers for newspapers, journals, and books in many different countries. Through his own statements we can see Achebe as a man of letters, a man of ideas, a man of words. As these interviews show, Achebe is an impressive speaker and gifted conversationalist who expresses his ideas in language that is simple yet pungent, moderate yet peppered with colorful images and illustrations. It is this talent for deep and meaningful communication, this intimate way with words, that makes his interviews a delight to read. He has a facility for penetrating to the essence of a question and framing a response that addresses the concerns of the questioner and sometimes goes beyond those concerns to matters of general interest.

'People,' he says, 'are expecting from literature serious comment on their lives. They are not expecting frivolity. They are expecting literature to say something important to help them in their struggle with life. This is what literature, what art, is supposed to do: to give us a second handle on reality so that when it becomes necessary to do so, we can turn to art and find a way out. So it is a serious matter.' 'Article Chinua Achebe Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Chinua Achebe♣ Name Author: Ezenwa Ohaeto∞ Launching: 1997◊ Info ISBN Link: STANFORD:7117⊗ Detail ISBN code:⊕ Number Pages: Total 326 sheet♮ News id: hzkgAQAAIAAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'This is the first biography of Chinua Achebe.

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His novels span the African experience of colonialism, independence and of civilian and military corruption. His short stories in particular reflect his involvement in the Biafran civil war in Nigeria. His poetry, both in English and Igbo, reveals a sensitive talent. His children's stories introduced the young and their parents to the excitement of books. Chinua Achebe had an active and generous role in encouraging other African writers by starting the literary journal Okike, by founding a publishing house in war-torn Nigeria and by introducing, in his role as the Founding Editor of the African Writers Series, new writers to a worldwide audience. Through his teaching in universities in Africa and America he showed the importance of Africa's own literature in the re-establishment of its cultural independence.

'Article Ezenwa Ohaeto Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Emerging Perspectives on Chinua Achebe♣ Name Author: Ernest Emenyo̲nu∞ Launching: 2004◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 767⊕ Number Pages: Total 475 sheet♮ News id: 1QsENCKLpekC☯ Full Synopsis: 'Chinua Achebe, a literary icon of the 20th century, is widely regarded as Africa's best novelist to date, and one of the world's greatest. The essays in this book provide global perspectives of Achebe as an artist with a proper sense of history and an imaginative writer with an inviolable sense of cultural mission and political commitment. Omenka is the first of a two volume celebration of this modern African literary tradition, which owes much of its origin to Achebe's landmark classic novel, Things Fall Apart, the most widely read African novel. 'Article Ernest Emenyo̲nu Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Chinua Achebe♣ Name Author: Phanuel Akubueze Egejuru∞ Launching: 2002◊ Info ISBN Link: UOM:5794⊗ Detail ISBN code:⊕ Number Pages: Total 214 sheet♮ News id: 4DdaAAAAMAAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'One of the most engaging, and unavoidable questions in the study of literature is the relationship between the events of an artist's life and his work. The author of this study contends that you cannot separate the two - she 'met' Achebe through Things Fall Apart.

Knowing something of the biography of Achebe is crucial to gaining a more in-depth understanding of the man - and thus of the work. This authorised oral biography is compiled from interviews with family members, servants, and personal and professional friendships.

It retraces the writer's steps from his hometown of Ogidi to Europe, and the U.S.; and considers his literary and political activities, his identities as an Africa, a Nigerian and an Igbo, and traits of his personality. The biographer recounts personal anecdotes in the biographer's exploration of a writer whom she characterises, on the one hand as a complex and conflicting personality; and on the other, as someone whose true concerm is for the well-being of the human community. The author is a Professor of English who has held posts at several North American and African universities; and has been a friend and colleague of Achebe's for some thirty years. 'Article Phanuel Akubueze Egejuru Statement.'