Or, you can uninstall GEAR driver installer from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel. On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following:. Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall a Program. Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs. When you find the program GEAR driver installer, click it, and then do one of the following:. Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall. Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).

Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove GEAR driver installer.

Difx Based Driver Installer. File Element. Description File specification for File table, must be child node of Component. This is the default value. The list is usually a list of properties, with each property enclosed inside square brackets. The value may be set to an empty string. Hardware Dev Center.

Driver Package Installer (DPInst) version 2.1 is a component of version 2.1. DIFx simplifies and customizes the installation of for devices that have not yet been installed in a computer. This type of installation is commonly known as a. DPInst also automatically updates the drivers for any installed devices that are supported by the newly installed driver packages.You should use DPInst version 2.1 for new installation applications instead of DPInst version 2.0, which did not fully support Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.Starting with Windows 7, the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) includes version 2.1 of DPInst. For information about how to obtain the latest WDK, see.Note Although version 2.1 of DPInst was available in earlier versions of the WDK, use the version of DPInst in the Windows 7 WDK and later versions of the WDK.DPInst supports installing signed (PnP) function drivers and signed class filter drivers starting with Microsoft Windows 2000.


Difx Based Driver Installer とは

Difx based driver installer

DPInst can also be configured in legacy mode to install unsigned PnP function drivers and unsigned class filter drivers. In legacy mode, DPInst will also install driver packages that have missing files.By using DPInst, you can do the following:.Enhance the user experience of a driver package by eliminating most of the manual steps that would otherwise be required to install driver packages. When a user runs DPInst, a wizard notifies the user of the installation progress and provides an optional end-user license agreement (EULA) page that gives the user the option to cancel installation. For more information about the wizard pages, see and.Avoid writing a custom installation program to install driver packages and update the installed drivers for supported devices. You do not have to change your driver packages to use DPInst. You only have to create an installation package that includes DPInst and one or more driver packages.For more information about how to create this type of installation package, see.DPInst supports the following:.Localization.DPInst supports localization through the Windows Multilingual User Interface (MUI).

Difx Based Driver Installer Itunes

There are two versions of DPInst:. A locale-specific version. By default, this version of DPInst.exe is localized to English but can be localized to one or more other languages by using separate MUI resource files (.mui). A multi-language version that supports many of the commonly used languages that the Windows operating system supports.

This version of DPInst.exe includes all the MUI resources and does not require additional MUI resource files.For more information about localization support, see.Driver installation customization.You can localize and customize the text, icons, and bitmaps that are displayed on wizard pages. You can include an optional EULA and can control whether wizard pages are displayed. For more information about how to customize installation, see.Automatic driver package removal.For each that is installed by DPInst, DPInst adds an entry to Programs and Features in Control Panel. Users can select this entry within Programs and Features to remove the driver package from their computers. If a user removes a driver package, the package is removed from the, the corresponding INF file is removed from the system INF file directory, and all the devices that were previously supported by the package are updated with the next best available driver.Note In versions of Windows earlier than Windows Vista, DPInst added the entry for the driver package to Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.Installation error logs.DPInst records high-level messages in the DPInst log file (%SystemRoot%DPINST.LOG).

The log file is a plain-text file that contains information and error messages and identifies the driver package that was being installed when an error occurred. For more information about the DPInst log file, see.For more information about known problems with DPInst, see.The DPInst tool is located in the redistDIFx subdirectory of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). Driver for usb shock joystick for ipad.